XMLUtils Namespace Reference


string GetElementValue (IXMLDOMNode *_pRoot, CComBSTR _path)
 Get the text from an XML element.
bool SetElementValue (IXMLDOMNode *_pRoot, CComBSTR _path, CComBSTR _value)
 Set the text of an XML element.
string GetAttributeValue (IXMLDOMNode *_pNode, CComBSTR _attributeName)
 Get the value of a single named attribute.
bool SetAttributeValue (IXMLDOMNode *_pNode, CComBSTR _attributeName, CComBSTR _value)
 Set the value of a single named attribute.
IXMLDOMNode * AddElement (IXMLDOMDocument *_pXMLDoc, IXMLDOMNode *_pParent, CComBSTR _elementName, CComBSTR _elementValue)
 Add a new element to an XML document.
bool AddAttribute (IXMLDOMDocument *_pXMLDoc, IXMLDOMNode *_pNode, CComBSTR _attributeName, CComBSTR _attributeValue)
 Add a new attribute an XML node.
xpl::xplMsgReadMsg (IXMLDOMNode *_pRoot)
 Helper function to convert an XML fragment into an xPL message.
bool WriteMsg (IXMLDOMDocument *_pXMLDoc, IXMLDOMNode *_pParent, xpl::xplMsg *_pMsg)
 Helper function to convert an xPL message into an XML representation.

Generated on Sun Jan 21 14:30:23 2007 for xPL SDK by  doxygen 1.5.1-p1