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void AddValue string const &  _name,
string const &  _value

Adds a new name=value pair to the message body.

The body of an xPL message (inside the schema part) consists of a series of name=value pairs of strings. This method is used to add new pairs to the message body. Pairs appear in the final message in the same order that they are added. The exception to this rule occurs with pairs that share the same name (It can be perfectly legitimate to have name=value pairs that share the same name, and even the same value). These items appear immediately after the first item of that name in the message body.

_name name of the item that we wish to add. For example, the "command" in the "command=dim" pair that might appear in an x10.basic message.
_value value of that item. For example the "dim" in the pair "command=dim".
See also:
GetValue, SetValue, GetMsgItem.

Generated on Sun Oct 2 17:22:52 2005 for xPL SDK by  doxygen 1.4.2